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Social Engineering Attacks: Common Techniques & How to Prevent an Attack

Kamyar Shah
Kamyar Shah is a small business advisor helping companies increase profitability and productivity, offering remote CMO and remote COO services.
There are simply too many different ways to name them all; however, the most successful social engineering attacks have a couple of things in common...
The origin is usually an authoritative venue such as a bank or government, and the creation of a sense of urgency either via potential benefits or potential harm/penalties.
Though there are several sophisticated tools that can aid in minimizing the impact of such attacks, the two most effective ones include education and backup. Continuous education and training of end users will aid in the reduction of overall successful attacks and the back up will serve as insurance in case an attack is successful.
You’re Feeling Regret
It is understood that entrepreneurship is inherently risky, and as the old adage goes, “A good business person knows when to fold.” That being said, from experience, feelings of regret are a sure sign that the emotional drive of the said entrepreneur has reached a point of no return. Since that emotional drive is necessary for success, it should be seen as the end point of that particular project. - Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
Treat The Interview Like A Sales Meeting
A job interview in its most basic form is a sales meeting. Your job as an applicant is to convince the buyer (that is, the employer) that you are the right fit. To achieve that you have to do two things masterfully: avoid “negative” responses while highlighting your strengths, and show that you can expand on your learning abilities. The right employer will notice both. - Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
Keep Coming Back To Your ‘Why’
Being an entrepreneur is not easy and can be very stressful. To keep those burdensome factors from influencing progress, one has to remember the “why.” Why did I start this? Though it sounds rudimentary, revisiting the answer to that particular question regularly will essentially provide the mental and emotional energy needed to continue until the stated goals are achieved. - Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
Be A Trusted Partner
In spite of the many changes in technology and business culture, the main ingredient for a successful salesperson hasn’t changed; only the tools have changed. Sales have always been a matter of trust, and no matter what other factors change, the fact that operating as a trusted partner inherently results in easier transactions will remain the same. Be a trusted partner, not a salesperson. - Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
Servant Leaders Develop New Leaders, Not Followers
Kamyar Shah, Remote COO, thinks that the primary benefit derived from servant leadership is its ability to nurture fledgling leaders on the team.
“Servant leadership’s main advantage to other styles of leadership lays within its basic tenor that allows for personal growth of individual team members: creating more leaders instead of followers. This, in turn, benefits both the team members as well as the business entity. ”

A growing number of mobile consumers prefer and appreciate the ease of access from a simple link in a text message. The simplicity and ubiquity of text messaging has enabled it to emerge as a differentiated business-to-consumer engagement channel and offers several benefits to marketers looking to engage target shoppers on their mobile devices, ensuring their preference and convenience are respected.

While many marketers are still playing catch-up with mobile engagement, several recent trends suggest convenience holds the key in deepening mobile engagement and responding to consumer expectations. Text messaging is one such proven approach and it’s a highly effective engagement strategy for mobile marketers.

Text messaging is incredibly popular, racing ahead of even social media platforms. Recent research reveals that people spent over 85 billion hours in just three months doing text messaging.   

Among more surprising stats on text marketing, messages have an incredibly high open rate of 98 percent. Also, as mobile consumers place considerable premium on convenience and simplicity, text messages are likely to command much higher – and faster – response rates than other approaches such as email or app notifications.

Text message marketing creates revenue

Text message marketing software is now used widely as a strategic component by retailers and brands for a wide range of mobile marketing use cases. Here are some successful examples and use cases of how text message marketing delivers unique advantage to retailers:

Scoop up promotional gains with mobile coupons

The mobile channel has clearly become the first point of interaction between consumers and brands. No wonder marketers saw a tremendous opportunity in leveraging this trend to send tailored promotions and loyalty rewards such as mobile coupons. Interestingly, with the mobile customer’s journey becoming mature, more consumers have come to prefer receiving mobile coupons over paper coupons.

A recent study on mobile coupons that surveyed 1,200 consumers highlights the urgency text messages deliver. Sixty percent of consumers said they would redeem a mobile coupon received via text within a week and 25 percent planned redemption within three days. Findings clearly underscore a useful context to understand consumers’ preference to store and redeem mobile coupons from their phones – with more than half preferring a text message with a link to the coupon. 

Increase mobile loyalty program engagement 

Making loyalty programs accessible via mobile device is the most effective way to drive member engagement. Adding strong evidence to this is recent consumer loyalty research that shows 75 percent of consumers confirming their willingness to participate and reply to loyalty program alerts if they could access the program easily from a smartphone. Such data provides key insights in taking a great step in the right direction to appeal to consumers who want to engage with loyalty programs from their smartphones via text messages.

A growing number of consumers prefer accessing rewards information from a link in a text message rather than through an app. Evidence consistently suggests that many companies use apps for mobile loyalty but more members prefer text engagement over apps.


As businesses, brands and consumers move further toward a mobile-first world, there is a growing preference among consumers to connect with businesses in the same way they do with their social contacts, including family and friends. Text messaging is not only growing more powerful but also undeniably more relevant for marketers and retailers.

With brands vying to deliver greater digital experiences with mobile devices, texting certainly emerges as an easier, faster and far more productive engagement vehicle over other methods. Marketers can use text messaging and pack it with surprises, delights and rewards and serve it to the mobile consumer, ensuring elements of choice and convenience are given due respect to earn customer equity and loyalty, thereby resulting in continued engagement and revenue.

Texting began as a simple tactic, largely applied for non-strategic and small-scale communication activities. Fast forward to today, and text messaging has become the most preferred method for brand communications and an indispensable aspect of the mobile consumer journey and a must-have ingredient in the marketing toolkit for retailers.

Have you been sidelined at work? Dan and Alison answer your questions with the help of Bill Taylor, a cofounder of Fast Company. They talk through what to do when your responsibilities have been reduced, you’ve been moved to an underperforming team, or your boss is leaving you out of key meetings.